Sunday, November 8, 2009

I know you might wonder why we have so many more pictures of Emerson than the other two. This is why. Kennedy and Parker rarely want to cooperate for a picture. See below! This is what happend when I insisted Kennedy sit down so I could get a picture.

Emerson started taking a few steps 2 weeks ago. She usually just takes one step and then falls forward but the past few days she's been taking a couple of steps before falling. I would love forher to start walking because she wants to keep up with Kennedy and Parker so she doesn't want to be in the carrier anymore when we're out somewhere. A crawling baby at the park or Carowinds just doesn't work out very well!

This week we've really noticed a difference in Parker's speech. He's trying to say more words on his own which is a big improvement. And the words he says are sounding more like the actual words which is exciting.

Not much new going on with Kennedy. She does say the funniest things, I have to start writing them down so I can remember them.

Saturday was my birthday. Chad surprised me with dinner with some friends which was fun. Thanks for all the cards and calls and birthday wishes from everyone!

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