Monday, November 23, 2009

As usual, we've been keeping busy. Mostly for my mom who likes to know what we've been up to, I'll try to quickly fill you in on what we've been doing. I don't really like to stay at home too much so most of the time we are on the go.
Last weekend we went to the Southern Christmas Show Friday night. It's been a family tradition since we moved to Charlotte the first time and whenever we've lived here we make sure to go. We went on a Friday night and took all three kids (who usually go to bed at 7) because there are lots of fun Christmas things for them to see and it's the unofficial start to the Christmas season at our house. The kids were so so good while we were there and we had a really great night. The next day my dad took Kennedy and Parker to the Renaissance Festival and it just so happend to be "Pirate Christmas" day so Parker of course loved that. Sunday I went to the Panthers game with my dad and they won!! They're not having a winning season so it was great to go and really great to be there when they won. I love football. Someday I hope to go to all 16 of the Panthers games in on season.
Our weekdays are generally filled with babysitting, speech therapy, play groups, homeschool co-op, cleaning, cooking, laundry, homeschooling and working. Each week passes amazingly fast and I can never believe it's the weekend again.
Thursday night Chad and I went to the Panthers vs. Dolphins game. That was fun too, but they didn't win that won. Friday night we went to the SouthPark tree lighthing. They have free bounce houses and little train rides which the kids love. I have to say, it was incredibly depressing to go to a tree lighting when it was 70 degrees during the day. Hard to feel in much of a Christmas mood. After we went home and got the kids in bed I went to see "The Blind Side". It was based on a true story and I really enjoyed it. I would recommend it if you're looking for a movie to see. I can't even remember what we did the rest of the weekend.
Emerson has not been sleeping well at all. I was looking in her mouth today and it looks like her two front teeth are just about to break through the skin so I pray that happens quickly so she might start sleeping better. She's started saying "uh oh".
Parker has just started saying three word sentences which I am very happy to hear. Not all the words are always clear and complete but it's a step in the right direction for him.
There was something I wanted to post about Kennedy but I can't remember now what it was. I'll have to do it right away next time I remember.

At the tree lighting

It really wasn't that cold out but Parker loves hats and I wanted them to look like it was at least sort of time for Christmas. I think it was 60 when we got there, but there were a lot of people in hats and coats and mitts. I know that's funny to all of my Canadian family. We were swimming in Kenora this summer when it was 60!

This was us on this same weekend a year ago getting our Christmas tree so we could have it set up before the baby was born (and feeling like the baby was NEVER going to arrive!)

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