Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Emerson has recently discovered how to put things on her arms like bracelets and purses. She was trying to get my very big purse on her shoulder but couldn't so Chad found her a much smaller one. The little one made her lose her balance.

I got Emerson what I think might be one of the most adorable outfits ever this weekend. I can't wait for her to wear it. I wish they had a matching one for Kennedy but they only made it in baby sizes. The price tag is still on it because if it goes on sale more before she wears it than I can get a price adjustment.

The littlest Panthers fan. Although we're not having a great season, we still love the Panthers. We think Emerson should be their team spokesbaby! She has a very cute matching bow but she took it off right before the picture and then I couldn't find it.
I get to go to the game this Sunday with my dad and I'm so excited!

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