Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I'm back!

I know we've been MIA on our blog here for awhile. We've just been so busy and Chad and I both often need the computer and we only have one working one so not much time left for the blog. Some random pictures of the last few months. My mom and Lara got to come down for Canadian Thanksiving. It was so nice to spend it with them! Lara and my mom and I went to the Panthers game that weekend, and they actually won!!

Carowinds this past weekend. Parker rode the biggest rollercoaster he was allowed to right and LOVED it. We finally got Kennedy on it and she loved it too. She ended up going on it 5 times.

My mom gave this hat (that matches a cute coat) to Kennedy. We found it in our winter stuff and just had to try it on Emerson.

I think this is the cutest picture ever of Parker. I just love his smile.

We got this for Emerson after we saw it in a catalogue and it was just too adorable to pass up. I found it on ebay for much less than the catalogue. Can't wait to get some pictures of her in it.

Several years ago we got some costumes on sale at Old Navy for $5 so Chad could use them for pictures. We found one in the closet and had to try it on.
I'll try to get some more pictures up soon.

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