Monday, March 2, 2009

All weekend the weather people were forecasting the "biggest snowstorm since 2004" which of course we missed because it was the one winter we lived in California. They were predicting 4-8 inches of snow. I was praying for 8" but was thrilled that we were going to be blessed with a third snow this year. The past 4 years it's really only snowed once each winter and very little at that. Anyways, we did get 4". A lot of it has, of course, melted already but we did get an hour of snow play in before Kennedy and Parker were soaking (it rained for 2 days before the snow so our backyard was a very, very wet mess) and cold. Emerson was sweet enough to take a nap that whole time which worked out perfectly. She also slept through the night again last nigt. 8:30-7:30. Yeah Emerson!!!!!! The two nights before she was awake several times because she has a cold and her nose in yucky. Someone asked me last night how we get her to sleep through the night. I haven't done anything differently than I did with the other two (which is nurse/rock to sleep and then pick them up when they cry during the night and do the same thing again). Each of them have slept so differently. It's interesting to me how children raised in the same way can still be so different.

Click play below to see some snow pictures from today.

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