Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We have had a busy and somewhat challenging 2 weeks, thus the lack of posting. Parker got sick last Sunday night with I think the flu. He was throwing up, had a fever, and other yucky things associated with all that. He didn't get better until Saturday. Kennedy got sick Tuesday and stayed sick until Saturday. My poor mom came Monday and ended up getting sick this past Monday as did Chad. So far, Emerson and I are the only ones not to get the nasty virus. We all have sore throats and colds, including Emerson. Praying that E and I don't get the other virus. Unfortunately, we didn't get to enjoy our time with my mom as much as we could have due to all the sickness, but we are glad she could come anyways. Other than a trip to the zoo during which Parker threw up (we thought he was better but we were wrong) we just hung out at the house.

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