Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chad came home last night with a surprise for me, a camera!! I've really been wanting one because his huge camera is way too big for me to put in the diaper bag (that already won't zip with everything I need for 3 kids) and to carry around. Now I have a little one that will fit in my pocket so that I can take pictures whenever I want to, especially when we're out doing something. He was so sweet to use his points they give at his work for various reasons to get me the camera instead of something he could have used. Thanks Chad!

In the past two weeks I've started putting Kennedy and Parker in their rooms for quiet time. Parker usually falls asleep and Kennedy (after a little resistance the first day) plays very well in her room by herself. Emerson has been asleep many of the days at the same time as quiet time which gives me an hour to get things done around the house that I find it impossible to accomplish while the three of them are up. When I called Kennedy out of her room after quiet time, this is what she was wearing. She had on a total of 5 outfits, and all the rest of her spring/summer clothes I've been buying and hanging at the end of her closet were all over the floor. I'm not sure what she was trying to accomplish but she looked pretty funny.

Just a random picture of Parker.

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