Friday, March 6, 2009

Kennedy seems to be going through a growth spurt, she wants to eat all the time! And I mean, all the time. She finishes several servings of all the food on her plate, 20 minutes later she's asking for more. All day long. I can't keep enough food in the fridge.

We're going to Disney World in May. I never had a desire to go but it happend to work out at a great price with a timeshare we have. And now I'm so excited because Kennedy and even Parker are really excited. I made the mistake of telling Kennedy that we were going and now she asks at least once a day and sometimes more often. They both like to look at the website. The other day Kennedy did a fashion show for me of her dress up clothes. She actually posed for the pictures, she wanted to send them to Cinderella. When I asked her to take the last one off for supper she didn't want to because she was very concerned that if she took it off she wouldn't get to show it to Cinderella at her castle. She doesn't quite have a grasp on how long 2 months is. Here are some pics from her fashion show.

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