Tuesday, June 14, 2011

According to my pregnancy app I have 18 days until my due date! How did the past 9 months fly by so quickly? For the most part, I think we have everything ready. I've been trying to get the house in order and do some major cleaning that I don't normally do (like clean the doors and baseboards) and just keep the house as tidy as possible in case this baby decides to come early. Parker was born 18 days before his due date so you never know. I have not yet reached the point where I'm over being pregnant. We're still hoping this one is born right around the due date of July 2nd. I don't have any pictures to post. I think we just haven't really been taking any. We have a few on our phones but I can't figure out how to get them off. We haven't been doing much lately. The kids and I spend almost every day at home. Sometimes when Chad gets home from work we'll go to the pool and on the weekends we spend a lot of time at the pool. It's so crowded though that I don't really find it that enjoyable.

1 comment:

Patrick, Jana, Hannah and Charlie, and Caroline said...

if you bring up the picture you want, there should be a menu for every picture. so whatever button you usually use for your menu button, then a send or share option. then i just email it to myself. done one at at time, it takes awhile, but i never carry my camera around these days either!