Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Emerson Update

The following pictures are from Chad's phone so they're not the best but it's all we have at the moment.

Emerson loved Disney World. She asks to go back every day. We were thinking we wouldn't go next year because she is a very adventurous little one but she isn't tall enough to ride all the rides that Kennedy and Parker can and that made her very upset. I don't think she'll be tall enough next year either so we thought waiting a year may be a good plan but she might convince us otherwise if she keeps asking every day.

She gives such good hugs. She loves to squeeze! And she loves her daddy.
She is still at the challenging in between stage where if she doesn't take a nap she is tired and crabby all afternoon and if she is sitting in her high chair (instead of running around the kitchen) at supper she will often just fall asleep. But if she does have a nap she is up until we go to bed and she just comes to bed with us usually around midnight. We prefer the no nap and to bed at a reasonable time so afternoons can be a little tough at our house.
Emerson is very good at playing on her own. She will often just get a bunch of little toys and play with them for long periods of time. She also loves to play with K and P, but of all of them I think she plays the most by herself.

She still loves the pool. She brings her bucket of toys and likes to sit in the shallow area and play with her little animals, princesses, mermaids and cars. There is never a time that other kids aren't taking her toys at the very crowded pool but she is very good about sharing them.
Enjoying a little building workshop with daddy.

She loves to help out too. She was shucking corn for supper this past weekend. We understand most of what she says, I'm not sure whether or not other people do. Somedays I wish she didn't say quite so much though! Last week I told her not to do something and she yelled at me that I was stupid. I was shocked to hear that coming from a 2yo! I know she's just repeating what she hears the other two say but it makes me sad to hear her yelling things like "you're not my friend anymore", etc. We're working on that with all three of them.

Overall though Emerson is a very sweet girl and we're so glad she is part of our family!

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