Thursday, June 23, 2011


I've been reading Kelly's blog for awhile and today was the first time I thought I should participate in SUYL. She is doing something called Show Us Your Life Singles as a way to help singles connect. She's done it twice before and so far 7 couples have gotten engaged I believe. Today, I wanted to post about my sister Lara. Unfortunately, the only pictures I have on my computer at the moment are all of her with my family!
(Lara with two of my kids)

Lara is 32 and lives in Boston.
(Lara with our mom's husband Bob)

We are originally from Canada and have lived in a number of different places in the U.S. Lara moved to Boston 4 years ago and really loves it.
Lara has so many wonderful qualities I'm not really sure where to start. She is a wonderful sister and aunt, always there for you when you need her. Whether it's in her relationships with friends and family or at work, her involvement at her church or her time volunteering she goes above and beyond and always gives 110%. She is a very hard working person.
Not that she doesn't make time to enjoy life! She loves traveling, skiing, football, entertaining, good restaurants, running, and lots of other things. Last year she completed the Boston Marathon!
Please leave a comment or email me at if you think you (or someone you know) might be a good match for Lara.

1 comment:

Dr. Francey Pants said...

Hi There. My name is Chris. I enjoyed reading your blog about your sister, Lara. Here is my blog if she is interested.