Thursday, March 26, 2009

Emerson loving her bath. Kennedy and Parker love bath time too.

For Christmas, Gramda June gave Kennedy a butterfly thing where they mail you caterpillars and you get to watch them turn in to butterflies. For various reasons, we were left with one surviving butterfly that we enjoyed watching and feeding for several weeks. Sunday we thought it was warm enough to let our butterfly out to go find some other butterfly friends. We thought Kennedy might be upset but she was happy to let it go find its family.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We have had a busy and somewhat challenging 2 weeks, thus the lack of posting. Parker got sick last Sunday night with I think the flu. He was throwing up, had a fever, and other yucky things associated with all that. He didn't get better until Saturday. Kennedy got sick Tuesday and stayed sick until Saturday. My poor mom came Monday and ended up getting sick this past Monday as did Chad. So far, Emerson and I are the only ones not to get the nasty virus. We all have sore throats and colds, including Emerson. Praying that E and I don't get the other virus. Unfortunately, we didn't get to enjoy our time with my mom as much as we could have due to all the sickness, but we are glad she could come anyways. Other than a trip to the zoo during which Parker threw up (we thought he was better but we were wrong) we just hung out at the house.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Emerson does not like to be put down. Ever. I guess all of our kids have been that way. So while I was trying to make supper yesterday I thought I'd get the john jump up out for her and see if she liked it. She did!! And Kennedy and Parker loved pushing her in it which kept her happy for about 20 minutes, probably the longest she's ever been put down.

Kennedy was talking to her while she was in it today. In case you can't make out what she's saying on the video, she was asking her if she wanted to go to Disney World and see Minnie Mouse. Emerson sounded excited about it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A msg for Grandma

To: Grandma From: Kennedy

I gave up dessert for lent again this year. I love dessert and when I give it up for lent it's about the only time I make it through any period of time not eating. Something I've noticed is that when I stop eating dessert, other foods taste a lot sweeter. Apples have never tasted as good to me as they have the past 2 weeks, I've never really liked them actually. But the one I just ate was delicious. And almonds, when I'm not eating super sweet desserts, it's amazing how sweet even nuts taste. Now if I could just keep it up after lent =)

I realized yesterday that I haven't been putting up many pictures of Emerson. The camera Chad got me also has a video function so I'm going to attempt to post a picture of her bath last night. Hopefully it works.
I gave up dessert for lent again this year. I love dessert and when I give it up for lent it's about the only time I make it through any period of time not eating. Something I've noticed is that when I stop eating dessert, other foods taste a lot sweeter. Apples have never tasted as good to me as they have the past 2 weeks. And almonds, when I'm not eating super sweet desserts, it's amazing how sweet even nuts taste. Now if I could just keep it up after lent =)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chad came home last night with a surprise for me, a camera!! I've really been wanting one because his huge camera is way too big for me to put in the diaper bag (that already won't zip with everything I need for 3 kids) and to carry around. Now I have a little one that will fit in my pocket so that I can take pictures whenever I want to, especially when we're out doing something. He was so sweet to use his points they give at his work for various reasons to get me the camera instead of something he could have used. Thanks Chad!

In the past two weeks I've started putting Kennedy and Parker in their rooms for quiet time. Parker usually falls asleep and Kennedy (after a little resistance the first day) plays very well in her room by herself. Emerson has been asleep many of the days at the same time as quiet time which gives me an hour to get things done around the house that I find it impossible to accomplish while the three of them are up. When I called Kennedy out of her room after quiet time, this is what she was wearing. She had on a total of 5 outfits, and all the rest of her spring/summer clothes I've been buying and hanging at the end of her closet were all over the floor. I'm not sure what she was trying to accomplish but she looked pretty funny.

Just a random picture of Parker.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kennedy seems to be going through a growth spurt, she wants to eat all the time! And I mean, all the time. She finishes several servings of all the food on her plate, 20 minutes later she's asking for more. All day long. I can't keep enough food in the fridge.

We're going to Disney World in May. I never had a desire to go but it happend to work out at a great price with a timeshare we have. And now I'm so excited because Kennedy and even Parker are really excited. I made the mistake of telling Kennedy that we were going and now she asks at least once a day and sometimes more often. They both like to look at the website. The other day Kennedy did a fashion show for me of her dress up clothes. She actually posed for the pictures, she wanted to send them to Cinderella. When I asked her to take the last one off for supper she didn't want to because she was very concerned that if she took it off she wouldn't get to show it to Cinderella at her castle. She doesn't quite have a grasp on how long 2 months is. Here are some pics from her fashion show.

Monday, March 2, 2009

All weekend the weather people were forecasting the "biggest snowstorm since 2004" which of course we missed because it was the one winter we lived in California. They were predicting 4-8 inches of snow. I was praying for 8" but was thrilled that we were going to be blessed with a third snow this year. The past 4 years it's really only snowed once each winter and very little at that. Anyways, we did get 4". A lot of it has, of course, melted already but we did get an hour of snow play in before Kennedy and Parker were soaking (it rained for 2 days before the snow so our backyard was a very, very wet mess) and cold. Emerson was sweet enough to take a nap that whole time which worked out perfectly. She also slept through the night again last nigt. 8:30-7:30. Yeah Emerson!!!!!! The two nights before she was awake several times because she has a cold and her nose in yucky. Someone asked me last night how we get her to sleep through the night. I haven't done anything differently than I did with the other two (which is nurse/rock to sleep and then pick them up when they cry during the night and do the same thing again). Each of them have slept so differently. It's interesting to me how children raised in the same way can still be so different.

Click play below to see some snow pictures from today.

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