Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chad wanted to get some pictures of himself and the kids for Father's Day so we went yesterday afternoon. We hadn't gone anywhere to get pictures in about 18 months and the kids did so well. They sat where they were supposed to and smiled and were just perfect. If only we could get them to do that for us. We didn't buy all these pictures but they did give us a low resolution CD of all the pictures so we could post them if we wanted to.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I've been reading Kelly's blog for awhile and today was the first time I thought I should participate in SUYL. She is doing something called Show Us Your Life Singles as a way to help singles connect. She's done it twice before and so far 7 couples have gotten engaged I believe. Today, I wanted to post about my sister Lara. Unfortunately, the only pictures I have on my computer at the moment are all of her with my family!
(Lara with two of my kids)

Lara is 32 and lives in Boston.
(Lara with our mom's husband Bob)

We are originally from Canada and have lived in a number of different places in the U.S. Lara moved to Boston 4 years ago and really loves it.
Lara has so many wonderful qualities I'm not really sure where to start. She is a wonderful sister and aunt, always there for you when you need her. Whether it's in her relationships with friends and family or at work, her involvement at her church or her time volunteering she goes above and beyond and always gives 110%. She is a very hard working person.
Not that she doesn't make time to enjoy life! She loves traveling, skiing, football, entertaining, good restaurants, running, and lots of other things. Last year she completed the Boston Marathon!
Please leave a comment or email me at if you think you (or someone you know) might be a good match for Lara.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Just a few pictures from the trip to Winston yesterday.
Apparently a lizard decided to eat Parker's hair.
They love their lizards (and frogs and other slimy things)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day!

Chad took the kids up to see his dad for Father's Day today. I'm feeling rather uncomfortable lately, especially in the car, so was not up for 3 hours of driving so I stayed home today and we celebrated Father's Day last night. I was also not up for standing in the kitchen for hours to cook a nice meal so we used a gift card we had and went to Cheesecake Factory. I was about to take a picture of Chad and the kids when a nice lady offered to take one of all of us so here we are. I know some people think it's tacky to dress your kids in matching clothes but I love it when they match (obviously! that's why they often match). I'm never sure how much longer I will get to do it so I try to take full advantage of their willingness at the moment to wear what I put on them.
Happy Father's Day to Chad from your three (very soon to be four) little darlings!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

After Chad got home last night the kids wanted to play outside with him. They decided on baseball. Emerson was the catcher at this particular moment with her helmet and a badminton racket to try to hit the ball back if Parker missed it. They were pretty funny.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

An Emerson Update

The following pictures are from Chad's phone so they're not the best but it's all we have at the moment.

Emerson loved Disney World. She asks to go back every day. We were thinking we wouldn't go next year because she is a very adventurous little one but she isn't tall enough to ride all the rides that Kennedy and Parker can and that made her very upset. I don't think she'll be tall enough next year either so we thought waiting a year may be a good plan but she might convince us otherwise if she keeps asking every day.

She gives such good hugs. She loves to squeeze! And she loves her daddy.
She is still at the challenging in between stage where if she doesn't take a nap she is tired and crabby all afternoon and if she is sitting in her high chair (instead of running around the kitchen) at supper she will often just fall asleep. But if she does have a nap she is up until we go to bed and she just comes to bed with us usually around midnight. We prefer the no nap and to bed at a reasonable time so afternoons can be a little tough at our house.
Emerson is very good at playing on her own. She will often just get a bunch of little toys and play with them for long periods of time. She also loves to play with K and P, but of all of them I think she plays the most by herself.

She still loves the pool. She brings her bucket of toys and likes to sit in the shallow area and play with her little animals, princesses, mermaids and cars. There is never a time that other kids aren't taking her toys at the very crowded pool but she is very good about sharing them.
Enjoying a little building workshop with daddy.

She loves to help out too. She was shucking corn for supper this past weekend. We understand most of what she says, I'm not sure whether or not other people do. Somedays I wish she didn't say quite so much though! Last week I told her not to do something and she yelled at me that I was stupid. I was shocked to hear that coming from a 2yo! I know she's just repeating what she hears the other two say but it makes me sad to hear her yelling things like "you're not my friend anymore", etc. We're working on that with all three of them.

Overall though Emerson is a very sweet girl and we're so glad she is part of our family!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

According to my pregnancy app I have 18 days until my due date! How did the past 9 months fly by so quickly? For the most part, I think we have everything ready. I've been trying to get the house in order and do some major cleaning that I don't normally do (like clean the doors and baseboards) and just keep the house as tidy as possible in case this baby decides to come early. Parker was born 18 days before his due date so you never know. I have not yet reached the point where I'm over being pregnant. We're still hoping this one is born right around the due date of July 2nd. I don't have any pictures to post. I think we just haven't really been taking any. We have a few on our phones but I can't figure out how to get them off. We haven't been doing much lately. The kids and I spend almost every day at home. Sometimes when Chad gets home from work we'll go to the pool and on the weekends we spend a lot of time at the pool. It's so crowded though that I don't really find it that enjoyable.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

We are in the final countdown for baby #4 to arrive. According to my pregnancy app on my phone I have 31 days left until my due date. We're not really wanting the baby to come early at all because if it comes on or after the due date Chad will still be home to help during my fall sale. But if it comes more than a week early he'd have to be back at work and I really need his help! We're still struggling with finding a name we can both agree on. Well, I have plenty of names Chad just doesn't like any of them and doesn't have any of his own suggestions to offer. It may be the nameless baby.