Sunday, July 18, 2010

Parker Update

Parker will 4 in a few short weeks. His speech has improved a lot. I was reading back through our blog and saw that in November I was happy that he was starting to speak in 3 word phrases. On most days I understand everything he says and he often speaks in complete sentences. There are some days that I can't seem to understand much of what he says. I feel like something must be triggering that but I'm frustrated because I can't figure out what.

Him and Kennedy are the best of friends most of the time. Parker goes along with whatever Kennedy wants to do. The other day he disappeared at 5:15 and Kennedy went to look for him after a few minutes and he had fallen asleep underneath her bed. He later told me he was looking for me and couldn't find me and went under there and cried. I had gone out to our garden to get basil for a minute but I felt so sad that he thought I'd left him. He woke up around 7:30 and Chad and I played just with him for awhile. Parker and I were on his bed aka boat and Chad was a shark. He had so much fun. I need to spend more time just with him. He really does get lost in the middle and doesn't demand much attention.

On the train from Boston to the beach. He just loved the train. The other 4 kids were playing and moving all over but P just looked out the window the whole trip.
At the beach in May
Pictures in April

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