Friday, July 16, 2010

On Sunday we went to my dad's house with our neighbours. If you've talked to Kennedy for 5 minutes at any point in time I'm sure you've heard her mention Nicky. That's her in the middle and her brother Jax. Everyone's enjoying our favourite allergy friendly treat, our free of anything the kids can't eat chocolate cupcakes.
Our neighbour Jason was throwing the kids. It was scaring me but they were enjoying it.
This is our fearless water baby Emerson. She just steps in to the pool regardless of whether or not anyone is there to catch her. She has to be watched every second. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures or video of it but on the boat at the cottage last week she was (wearing a life jacket) just jumping off the back of the boat with everyone else, swimming to the ladder, climbing back up and doing it again. I didn't even have to catch her!

We got back last week from our big trip to Boston and Canada. We flew to Boston and spent two days there with Lara and Jana and my niece Hannah and nephew Charlie. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera but you can look at Jana's blog for a few pictures of our time in Boston

From Boston we drove 8 hours to Ottawa. The drive was through Vermont which is such a beautiful place. I think I'd really like living there (except that it's so far from everything). We were in Ottawa for Canada Day. Hopefully my sister will send me some pictures shortly and I can post those. We went to my cousin's wedding and then drove up to the cottage outside of Peterborough that my dad rented for the month. I was soooo looking forward to cool weather and cold water but it was in the high 90s!! And there was no air conditioning. After 12 days away we drove to Buffalo, NY because the flights are so much cheaper than from Toronto and flew home. It was a good trip but we were so glad to be home.

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