Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kennedy Update

Our baby is growing up. We've entered a new phase of life with Kennedy. While we were in Canada she started saying "I don't have to listen to you. I'm never going to listen to you." And many other variations of that. We've used timeout as our method of discipline and all of a sudden it doesn't work anymore. She just refuses to go. How did she all of a sudden realize that she doesn't have to listen to anyone? We do also take privileges away but we go through her few privileges rather quickly and I'm left wondering what method of discipline works for a child who is about to turn 6? I need to figure it out rather quickly! I actually used to think parenting got easier as kids got older :) I now realize that a newborn baby is sooooooooo much easier than any other stage. At least in my opinion.

For her 6th birthday party she would like a pirate princess mermaid party. Not too sure how to make that happen.

Kennedy in timeout at Lara's condo (before her revelation). Emerson decided she need company so went to sit with her.
At Discovery Place this week.
In the Boston Common. It was so hot!
We spent 5 hours in the very small Buffalo airport last week. We passed a little bit of time posing for pics.

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