Saturday, June 27, 2009

Changed our background to reflect the heat. It has been so hot in Charlotte. We're really looking forward to cooling off at my mom's in just a few weeks.
We went to the Farmer's Market again this weekend so didn't make it back in time for the Lowe's Building workshop this week. It was a pirate ship so Chad made sure we went by a picked up one to do at home. They've been having a lot of fun with it.

Emerson can pull herself up to stand now. She'll be 7 months this weekend. I don't know why it seems like she's getting older faster than the other two. I guess because we're so busy with three kids? Several people have asked about her weight. I *think* she's gaining weight okay, just not as quickly as the other two did. She's started eating apples and pears and got really constipated so at the suggestion of our pediatrician we added prunes (which she quite enjoys) and that seems to have helped. I'm assuming she'll do even better with the weight gain now. As you can see from all her pictures, she's still a very happy girl.

We went to Discovery Place on Thursday. They had a circus exhibit and the kids favourite part was the various kinds of animal dung. Yes, they actually had them molded out of something. Glad we have a membership and didn't pay money to see that! Starting next week they have a pirate exhibit. Parker will LOVE that.

My attempt at getting a Father's Day picture of all three kids and Chad. Kennedy surprised us last weekend by jumping in the pool by herself and swimming all the way to the other end. She's almost been jumping in and staying under the water for a bit. We're so proud of her.

I wish Emerson was always so happy on my back. I could get so much more accomplished but she doesn't normally like it. She was just smiling cause she knew she looked cute with Kennedy's bow on her head.

Pops in the Park from two weeks ago. They spent most of the time dancing.

Kennedy and Parker with one of their creations at the Home Depot workshop Chad took them to while Emerson and I were in Boston.

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