Saturday, June 13, 2009

Here's a little of what we were up to the last two weeks of May.
I'm just a little obsessed with buying clothes for the kids, and even more obsessed with Kennedy and Emerson matching. I'm going to be so very sad when Kennedy won't let me dress her anymore. Crossing my fingers that I still have a little while longer.I really love this picture. It's moments like these, when we're just at home hanging out, when I stop to think how thankful I am for my life. There were two things I wanted for as long as I can remember, to get married and have kids. I am so blessed to have my family.
Flying airplanes at Carowinds.

Emerson is laughing, not crying in case it's hard to tell.

Kennedy and Parker loved riding the horses. There weren't many people at this event and they got to ride the horse quite a bit.

Every time we've gone to the zoo, the train has either been closed or we just didn't take the time to ride on it. Parker was thrilled that we took the time to do it. Every day now he asks for the choo choo.Kennedy now likes to have her picture taken so much (sometimes) that I couldn't get her to leave the zoo because she kept wanting more pictures.This is how Emerson spends much of her time both at home and when we're out. Thanks to my sister Jana for letting me use her Ergo carrier until baby Charlie arrives in August. Poor Emerson doesn't have much of a schedule as we're often not at home for her to nap. I can't imagine staying home all day every day so she could nap regularly, but it would be nice if she did nap at the same time.
Kennedy loves maps. She's always looking for where we should go.

Kennedy went to a dance camp in the mornings last week. They put on a little show on Friday and it was so cute. I tried to upload some video but it wouldn't work because the file's too big. Here are a few pictures.

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