Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I'm rather behind as usual on getting things on our blog. Emerson started eating food last week. So far she's just had applesauce (and a few whole apples to suck on) and she loves its. She can eat a lot!Kennedy and Parker stayed at my dad's a couple weeks ago and we took Emerson out for dinner with us. She really enjoyed her knife but would have preferred some of our gnocchi I think. We don't take the kids out to dinner very often but we did on Memorial Day. Now that Parker has gotten to the point where he can sit through a meal, Emerson doesn't want to. Oh well, that's life with little ones. It must have been a parent with young children who thought of take out.

Our visit to a local strawberry patch.

Emerson is now taking baths in the big bathtub. I know I saw this all the time, but time is passing so quickly. She's 6 months old today.

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