Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My grandma, aunt and uncle, and my sister and her husband and daughter were here this week. This is my Uncle Mike, my kids, and my niece Hannah. My sister Jana and her husband Patrick.
A little Easter egg hunt with PaPa.

My Grandma and Parker.

My Grandma and Emerson. Kennedy was having so much fun with Hannah that we couldn't get her to take a picture with Grandma. Maybe next time.

We got a seasons pass to Carowinds this year and this past weekend was opening weekend. It was a beautiful afternoon and the kids really enjoyed the rides. We're looking forwards to lots of Carowinds fun this summer.

Chad said Parker loved this ride and laughed the whole time. Especially every time they bumped or spun around.

Kennedy and I did not love this ride as much as Parker did. I thought I was going to throw up! It just kept turning in circles.

We discovered this weekend that we could keep a bow in Emerson's hair. So cute!

Our trip to the zoo with my mom.

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