Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chad took Kennedy and Parker to another building day, this time they made bird houses. Hopefully, some birds will come and live in them so the kids can enjoy looking at them.

Chad wasn't too impressed with Parker's outfit but it was the closest thing I could find and he was running outside naked. He's doing his stretches before he runs off.

Emerson really enjoys the baby swing.

Sunday was a really nice day. It was in the 70s, not too hot but warm enough to enjoy the pool (at least warm enough for me to be in the pool, no one else seemed to think it felt good). We had a very relaxing afternoon at my dad's pool. He was out of town so it was just the 5 of us. See the video below, Parker's too funny when he tries to swim.

We brought Emerson's playpen and she took a little nap al fresco.

Kennedy knows how to swim, but for some reason she wanted to wear a life jacket, water wings, and be in the infant floatie, despite the fact that she was floating in the hot tub which is so shallow that she can easily touch the bottom.
A Sunday afternoon nap.

Most of the time Kennedy and Parker are very sweet to each other. I rarely have the camera near by for a picture though.

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