Sunday, April 19, 2009

I haven't gotten around to downloading many pictures off our cameras lately, I'll post some when we do. As usual we've had a busy week. I am very proud of my children, and myself actually. Last Wednesday I decided to get the poor things out of the house so we went to Lazy 5 Ranch. A neat place about an hour away where you ride on a wagon and feed all kinds of animals. I took lots of pics and will post them soon. It was my first big outing with all three of them and no one to help me and I wasn't sure how it would go. But it went really well. We did not have one single incident. Emerson even stayed happy in her sling (I must say I love the Hug a Bub wrap, thank you so much to Terri for showing me how to use it, it's the most comfortable sling I've used) the entire time. We went back to Lazy 5 with our homeschool group this past Thursday and again everything went really well. So Friday we tried Carowinds on our own. Due to naps, nursing, etc. we didn't make it there until 5:15, I thought they were open until 8 but turns out they were only open until 6 so we ran as fast as we could, which isn't too fast when I have Emerson in the sling and am pushing a very heavy double stroller through throngs of people, to the kids section and they got to go on 4 rides before closing. And again, the kids were so good. They didn't even get upset when we had to leave even though we'd only been there for 45 minutes. Hopefully our trip to Disney World in 2 weeks will go just as well, especially since my mom and Chad will both be there to help out.

On another note, Emerson is not gaining weight which is somewhat concerning. She has been rolling over for several weeks and is actually crawling a little. It's really funny, she pushes her bottom up in there, gets her legs pushed up and then scoots forward. Sort of like an inch worm but she can get to where she wants to go eventually. Anyways, since she's doing fine developmentally the doctor isn't too too worried yet but she really needs to start gaining weight. She's only gained 3lbs since she was born and has dropped to the 4th percentile. Of course, there's nothing wrong with the 4th percentile if a baby was born there but she was born I think in the 90th percentile so to go down that far is not a good sign. Due to my breastfeeding issues and therefore having to supplement (thanks to our wonderful donor moms so far she's been able to get only breast milk, a topic I will post about sometime for those of you that aren't aware of my problems in that department) I know she is getting enough milk.

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