Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I've had some complaints about lack of updates on our blog. Sorry!! Emerson seems to (crossing my fingers and praying it doesn't change) be getting in to a bit of a night sleeping routine. Last night I layed her down at 8:30 in the bassinet and it was 3am before I heard from her again. So thankful for that. She spends the rest of the night nursing/sleeping with me which is working pretty well for us right now. If I could drag myself out of bed I could probably feed her and then get her back to the bassinet but I've yet to get myself up to do that. It's so much easier to just pick her up and lay her down beside me.

I was beyond thrilled last week to wake up during the night and to my surprise see that it was white outside! I had no idea there was snow coming. We were so excited to get out and play. See below for a few pics.

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