Thursday, February 12, 2009

Emerson is the first of our children to nap like normal babies do. She wakes up and about an hour later she's ready to go back to sleep. It really seems like all she does is sleep, wake up and eat, be happy for a brief time gets fussy and then is back to sleep. Anyways, this morning she was asleep for two hours during which time I got the dishes in the dishwasher, clothes in the washing machine, helped the kids clean up the sunroom (you couldn't walk through it there were toys everywhere) made pumpkin muffins, and made bread! The best bread I've made so far I might add. A friend of mine suggested putting the ingredients in the bread maker and just putting it on the dough cycle and then taking it out and baking it in the oven. She also suggested using less flour than the recipe calls for. Even though I added soy flour and whole wheat flour it still turned out the best so far, it was soft like the bread you buy, instead of incredibly dense like my previous attempts. Now if I can just remember what I put in.

Chad took Kennedy to the circus two weeks ago. T
hey had a great time. Here are a few pics.

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