Thursday, February 26, 2009

For all our family members that aren't close to us, I'm going to try to post a picture every day. Not promising I'll get to it every day, but I'll try to at least post a picture.

Last night Emerson had what I consider to be an amazing accomplishment for a 12 week old. She slept through the night without waking even once. We were a little off our night schedule because my godparents were down from Canada so we had dinner with them at my dad's. We got E to sleep at about 10:15 and she did not make a sound until 8:15 in the morning. I couldn't believe it. I did check several times to make sure she was still breathing. The night before she slept from 8:30-7:30. She woke once around 4am and I gave her her pacifier and she went right back to sleep. Kennedy didn't sleep through the night until she was 10 months and Parker up a ton and didn't sleep through the night until he was 22 months old. So we are very very very excited that E might already be sleeping through the night. For now anyways. She's about to wake up from her morning nap so I better go get lunch for the other two before Emerson needs to fed again.
I'm still trying to figure out how to get them all to sleep at night. Emerson's pretty fussy by the time K & P are ready for bed (between 6:30-7). The other night I ready both of them a story in Kennedy's bed and told them to stay there while I gave Emerson a bath. This is what I found when I went back to Kennedy's room.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I can't believe it's been almost a week since I updated our blog. Time has been flying incredibly fast since Emerson was born. She's 11 weeks old already! On the one hand it seems like she was just born and on the other hand it's hard to remember what life was like before she arrived.
Since Valentine's Day was on a Saturday we took some cupcakes by Chad's office on Friday. Kennedy and Parker decorated them.

These are some pictures we had taken in January. Emerson was 4 weeks old.

I can't find Kennedy's picture where she is cupid. I think it's on a disk and not on the computer. This is Parker's cupid picture. The second one is one of my favourite pictures of him.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Emerson is the first of our children to nap like normal babies do. She wakes up and about an hour later she's ready to go back to sleep. It really seems like all she does is sleep, wake up and eat, be happy for a brief time gets fussy and then is back to sleep. Anyways, this morning she was asleep for two hours during which time I got the dishes in the dishwasher, clothes in the washing machine, helped the kids clean up the sunroom (you couldn't walk through it there were toys everywhere) made pumpkin muffins, and made bread! The best bread I've made so far I might add. A friend of mine suggested putting the ingredients in the bread maker and just putting it on the dough cycle and then taking it out and baking it in the oven. She also suggested using less flour than the recipe calls for. Even though I added soy flour and whole wheat flour it still turned out the best so far, it was soft like the bread you buy, instead of incredibly dense like my previous attempts. Now if I can just remember what I put in.

Chad took Kennedy to the circus two weeks ago. T
hey had a great time. Here are a few pics.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I've had some complaints about lack of updates on our blog. Sorry!! Emerson seems to (crossing my fingers and praying it doesn't change) be getting in to a bit of a night sleeping routine. Last night I layed her down at 8:30 in the bassinet and it was 3am before I heard from her again. So thankful for that. She spends the rest of the night nursing/sleeping with me which is working pretty well for us right now. If I could drag myself out of bed I could probably feed her and then get her back to the bassinet but I've yet to get myself up to do that. It's so much easier to just pick her up and lay her down beside me.

I was beyond thrilled last week to wake up during the night and to my surprise see that it was white outside! I had no idea there was snow coming. We were so excited to get out and play. See below for a few pics.
Click to play Snow #2
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