Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My visit with a midwife

We're excited to be planning our third homebirth. I've been seeing a certified nurse midwife every few months just in case something comes up and we need to transfer to a hospital. This CNM is an amazing resource for women in Charlotte who are planning homebirths as she is one of very few in the medical community who will act as a back-up. Anyways, last time I saw her she thought the baby's head was up which at 30 weeks she wasn't worried about but because I worry about everything I've been stressing out about it. I was very excited to see her today and have her confirm that the baby is head down!! I feel so much better about things now. And for further good news I hadn't gained any weight in the past 4.5 weeks.

My dad gave us his chiminea when he moved. For some reason as soon as Kennedy saw it she said "we need marshmallows". I'm not sure where that came from since the only time she's ever roasted marshmallows was at my mom's cottage this summer on a bonfire. Since it finally cooled off a little here recently we decided to make some smores. Neither of them actually leave the marshamallows in there long enough to get them even warm so they're pretty much just eating marshamallows on a stick. They had fun though.

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