Sunday, October 5, 2008

K & Ps Birthday Party Aug 2008

We decided to have Kennedy and Parkers 4th and 2nd birthday party at the same time this year and we had a luau.

Kennedy and Parker hitting the pinata. It took many many tries with all the kids and eventually the help of an adult to get it to open.

Blowing out the candles on their cakes.

I can't even think of what these are called at the moment. The little presents for all the guests to take home.

Parker's first kiss with Monica.
Bonnie and Hannah
Present opening was not the kids' finest moment. They tore through the tons of presents they got without stopping to say thank you. Next year I think we'll wait to open them later.
Kennedy's new princess dress.

Parker was tired out at the end of the day. He needed some cuddles from Grandma June.

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