Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

On Thursday we went with our preschool homeschooling group to the Pumpkin Patch. For once, it was actually wonderfully cool out which was a nice change. The kids loved playing in the pumpkins, taking the hay ride to learn about milking a cow and then feeding the farm animals. We finished off the morning with a picnic and Kennedy trying to teach her friends (while dancing) a song she learned in Sunday School called God is number one.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My visit with a midwife

We're excited to be planning our third homebirth. I've been seeing a certified nurse midwife every few months just in case something comes up and we need to transfer to a hospital. This CNM is an amazing resource for women in Charlotte who are planning homebirths as she is one of very few in the medical community who will act as a back-up. Anyways, last time I saw her she thought the baby's head was up which at 30 weeks she wasn't worried about but because I worry about everything I've been stressing out about it. I was very excited to see her today and have her confirm that the baby is head down!! I feel so much better about things now. And for further good news I hadn't gained any weight in the past 4.5 weeks.

My dad gave us his chiminea when he moved. For some reason as soon as Kennedy saw it she said "we need marshmallows". I'm not sure where that came from since the only time she's ever roasted marshmallows was at my mom's cottage this summer on a bonfire. Since it finally cooled off a little here recently we decided to make some smores. Neither of them actually leave the marshamallows in there long enough to get them even warm so they're pretty much just eating marshamallows on a stick. They had fun though.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!

I miss Canada so I'm always excited to be able to bring a little bit of it here by celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving. Today we had two of Chad's coworkers, Erica and Jeneiya, and their families over to have dinner with us.

On Saturday we went up to Boone. Chad tried to take pictures of the kids at Moses Cone Manor on the Blue Ridge Parkway while I went and met someone and the kids weren't being too cooperative.

Kennedy's reaction when asked to smile.They were so sweet and gentle with these horses.

The week before we also tried to get some pictures. These ones I took so they didn't turn out perfectly either but I tried.

I know Kennedy isn't looking in this one but I love it of Chad and Parker.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Beach Pictures Sept 08

As usual the kids weren't very co-operative while trying to get some beach pictures. Parker's going for the touchdown.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

K & Ps Birthday Party Aug 2008

We decided to have Kennedy and Parkers 4th and 2nd birthday party at the same time this year and we had a luau.

Kennedy and Parker hitting the pinata. It took many many tries with all the kids and eventually the help of an adult to get it to open.

Blowing out the candles on their cakes.

I can't even think of what these are called at the moment. The little presents for all the guests to take home.

Parker's first kiss with Monica.
Bonnie and Hannah
Present opening was not the kids' finest moment. They tore through the tons of presents they got without stopping to say thank you. Next year I think we'll wait to open them later.
Kennedy's new princess dress.

Parker was tired out at the end of the day. He needed some cuddles from Grandma June.

Our 5th Anniversary Trip to the British Virigin Islands August 2008

We took our first trip without our kids since Kennedy was born in 2004 to the British Virgin Islands for our 5th Anniversary. My mom stayed with Kennedy and Parker. It was very hard for me to be away from the kids and I think it will probably at least 5 more years before we do it again but we did enjoy our trip. We stayed at a small inn on the beach on Cane Garden Bay in Tortola.
The view from the beach.
Chad arranged a surprise dinner on the beach which was wonderful.

This is the island of Tortola as we were coming to in on the ferry from St. Thomas.
The mother of these boys worked at our inn and every time we got in the water they came to join us.
Something we're not used to seeing on the beach, chickens!! Did I mention they woke me up every morning around 5:30am???

I think this is Jost Van Dyke which was the island across from ours.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Parker's Suit

We thought Parker needed a suit and this one was soooo cute. Unfortunately, he didn't agree. It was way too big for him so we returned it. He hated it though. I guess he's not used to a buttoned up collar and he hates all hats. We'll have to get him used to it though when we do find a suit that does fit.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Kenora July 2008

We had lots of fun tubing. Everyone except Hannah and pregnant me got to take a turn.

My sister Jana and niece Hannah. We were so happy to get to spend some time with them.
The cousins

Kennedy learning to surf

For those not familiar with these delightful creatures, this is what we call a bloodsucker. Gross right? Kennedy though we should keep it because it was our friend.
The canoe was a highlight for the kids.
Next year he'll be portaging all by himself!

The Hillbilly Stroller - Parker's first choice in transportation

Parker the lifeguard