Friday, January 27, 2012

We spent Christmas morning with just the kids and then my mom, Bob and Lara came over for the rest of the day. We didn't get very many pictures.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I just realized I still have a Christmas background up. It is the farthest thing from winter feeling here in NC but I am praying for snow. This has been the warmest winter I can remember and it's so very depressing. We have gone skiing twice this month though and that has been wonderful. Nowhere particularly exciting, just to a very small hill in NC but the plan was to get the kids skiing so that next year when we take a trip out west everyone is able to enjoy their time.

The kids have done amazing! And so have my mom and Chad helping them learn to ski. I have spent all of both days just holding Reese and watching. If I can ever figure out how I'll post some videos of them skiing. I think all the pictures are on our phones and I haven't downloaded them but will try to soon.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

One of Reese's 6 month pictures
I generally hate pictures of myself so much that I can't bear to post them but my sweet little man looks so cute in this picture I couldn't not post it! Although he is definitely all boy he also has such a tender heart.
Continuing with my really behind posts, this is us with Chad's family on Christmas Eve.
Earlier in the day Chad took the kids to see his mom. I think that has been his only time doing anything with all four of the kids yet. There aren't a whole lot of things I love more than watching the Carolina Panthers play football so when my dad asked me if I wanted to go to the game with him on Christmas Eve I was so excited. Chad graciously took all the kids (the only time I'd ever been away from Reese other than running to the grocery store) up to Winston Salem and I met everyone there after the game.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

We went to see the lights in McAdenville before Christmas. I've wanted to go since we moved back here 7 years. It wasn't very exciting, I wouldn't recommend it. It was fun one time though to walk around a see a few lights.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Just a tiny bit late, but here is our Christmas card picture for this year.