Monday, August 1, 2011

Reese is 5 weeks old tomorrow! Everything is going really well at our house. Reese weighed 9lbs yesterday (she was 7lbs 10oz when she was born) so she's gaining weight really well which is great. She's still basically spending all her time nursing or sleeping. And lately pooping! In the past 5 days I think I've changed 40 poopy diapers! She's started smiling once in awhile. Today while I was nursing her she stopped and looked up at me with this huge smile. It was soooo sweet. She also loves to raise her head up and look around. Of course it starts bobbing around after a minute but then she tries again. At this moment she is going on 3.5 hours napping in the bassinet for the first time. She has previously never stayed in the bassinet for more than a few minutes so I'm really excited about this development. Kennedy has started calling her Reesie Pumpkin Pie. I'm not sure where that came from but it's cute. Emerson calls her Baby Reese and the way she says Reese is just so adorable. Parker calls Emerson baby. I asked Emerson the other day what her name is and she says "Big Baby".

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