Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 5th was Parker's 5th birthday!

I wanted to post a picture of him the day he was born but those are on a disk somewhere. He's 6 months in this picture.
1st birthday
2nd birthday
3rd birthday
4th birthday (we didn't have a good one of him blowing out his cake but he and Auntie Lara looked so cute in this one from his party I thought it would be a good choice)

I asked him what he wanted to eat and he said cinnamon rolls for breakfast and pizza and cake for supper. A lego cake specifically.

This is Parker's bed head hair. It looks this crazy every morning. He loves helping in the kitchen lately. He and Emerson were helping make the icing for the cinnamon rolls.
Emerson is turning in to quite the character. I don't remember what about shaking cinnamon made her laugh like that.
My three little helpers putting the sugar and cinnamon on the dough.
The presents were all lego. He loves his lego.

I know it's hard to identify but it's a lego cake. I thought it was going to have to be bright red or blue or something like legos are but thankfully he liked the idea of a chocolate lego because we try to avoid food colouring at all costs.

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