Saturday, July 2, 2011

We have a new baby!

We are excited to announce the arrival of Reese Alexandra Fulk. She was born Wednesday, June 29th at 12:15 am. She was 7lbs 10oz, the smallest of any of our babies and 20" long.

My water broke early Sunday morning and I was hoping that labour would go quicker than Parker and Emerson's did and she'd be born that day. Chad called his mom June to come and watch the kids and then we waited. And waited. And waited. My mom had time to drive 28 hours from Canada and still no baby!! Wednesday morning she finally arrived! Those were the longest three days of my life as I had sporadic contractions and truly felt as if she was never going to come out on her own. Obviously she eventually did though. We've been relaxing at home since then.

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