Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas 2010

Below is a link to a slideshow on Chad's site of our Christmas pictures. There are a lot of them and because it was faster we didn't take the time to delete some duplicates so I apologize for those. The password for the slideshow is snow.

For the most part we had a good time at my mom's. Unfortunately we were hit with what Chad calls the "Christmas curse". Which isn't really accurate because it hasn't happened every Christmas. It started with Emerson throwing up Monday night and went from there. As far as I know, Kennedy, Bob, Hannah and Charlie were safe but the rest of us suffered from varying degrees of sickness.

On a much more positive note, there was lots of snow and the weather was really mild (what would be considered cold to the Southerners reading this but mild for northern Ontario) so whoever was healthy got to spend lots of time outside enjoying the snow. In spite of our illness we had a good trip. Kennedy and Parker stayed with my mom and Bob and should be getting home tomorrow I think. We miss them so much!

Chad, Emerson and I came home the day after Christmas to snow! Of course the first time in 60 years it snows in Charlotte on Christmas and it's a Christmas we're out of town. Lara ended up in Charlotte as well because like the rest of the north east Boston was shut down due to snow. Due to her shear determination she made it in to Boston on the first flight to land Monday! And then she got the sickness :(

The snow actually sort of stayed in our yard for several days but Emerson got sick again and then I got sick again and then Chad got sick again and then Emerson got better and then she got sick again! So we never got around to making it out in to the snow here. That's okay though because we got to enjoy it at my mom's.

And a special congratulations to my Nana and Bill who got married (in secret!) on Christmas Eve and told us all on Christmas Day. We're happy for you!

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