Tuesday, January 11, 2011

All last week the forecast said there would be snow in Charlotte on Monday. Since it doesn't always pan out like they say, I constantly check the forecast to see if anything's changed and I pray pray pray for snow! Monday morning I was thrilled to wake up and see snow. And it kept snowing until about 3pm (when it unfortunately turned to freezing rain) and it was so beautiful. We all love snow at our house and we have had so much fun playing in it.
We walked to the park behind our house and it was such a pretty (but long especially on the return walk after the kids had been sliding down and then walking back up a big hill) walk. We found a big hill and the kids enjoyed sliding. There are trees at the bottom though so Chad had to stay down there and stop them from a collision.

I know quite a few people down here in the south that think young children shouldn't be outside in the cold. I have to say, our kids would beg to differ. I love the smiles on their faces. They love the snow and they love sliding.

Eventually they decided rolling down the hill was the best idea. Emerson especially enjoyed rolling.
The rest of the pics are back at our house. We have a small slope in our back yard that works pretty well for the first few hours. Eventually they rub the snow off though.

My nana sent these costumes for the kids. Aren't they cute?

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