Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We have really not been up to much lately. We've mostly been at home trying to not get more germs and to fight the ones that everyone in our house already has. As of this morning, it seems like everyone is on the road to getting better. So I'm scared to go out and get more sick germs, especially before we leave for Canada next week. Last week Chad took Parker and Emerson to the tree lighting at his office uptown. Kennedy had a practice for her theatre class and was oh so disappointed that she couldn't go.
I know they aren't dressed in appropriately themed Christmas clothing. It had been a long day and I didn't feel like changing them because we were already way behind and I figured they'd be wearing their coats so no one would see what they were wearing anyways. Apparently there were heaters everywhere though so no coats.
According to Chad, Emerson loved the Chick fil a cow and went running up to it as soon as she saw it.
As usual, they are not fans of being near a Santa. That's Parker covering his head.

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