Thursday, December 16, 2010

This week we went to see the Gingerbread Village at Ballantyne Resort and then went home to decorate a gingerbread house. This was a gingerbread kit and not one the kids could eat. Kennedy and Parker understood that, but Emerson not so much! I spend the afternoon trying to prevent from eating all of it.

This week we went to see the Gingerbread Village at Ballantyne Resort and then went home to decorate a gingerbread house. This was a gingerbread kit and not one the kids could eat. Kennedy and Parker understood that, but Emerson not so much! I spend the afternoon trying to prevent from eating all of it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I found this picture on my sister Jana's blog today. I think this might be the only picture we have of the three of us and our kids. We're all together very rarely since Jana is in Kansas and Lara is in Boston. This was taken on Canada Day when we were all in Ottawa for my cousin's wedding.
This year Charlotte has a new Christmas thing, apparently the 2nd biggest Christmas light display in the country at the speedway. You can read about it here. Our neighbours gave us a ticket and we decided to go last night. I don't know what I was expecting, but I thought it was really disappointing. We usually go to Tanglewood to see their lights when we're visiting Chad's family in Winston Salem and we think it is much better than the speedway lights. I really would not recommend the speedway.

There were two things in the middle of the speedway that the kids enjoyed. There was a little nativity scene and a petting zoo.

Before going to the speedway we went by Concord Mills to get free pictures with Santa at Bass Pro Shop. One look at the verrrrrryyyyyy long line there and we changed our minds. We got a picture with frosty instead!

Monday, December 13, 2010

My sister asked me for a family picture in front of our tree. I thought I'd just send one of the kids. I tried for 30 minutes and this is the ONLY one I got with all three of them looking.
I tried to get a picture of Kennedy and Emerson. When I say to look Emerson holds up the phone in front of her face and says "cheese". I think she thought she was the one taking the picture.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I have never done a lot of Christmas baking with the kids over the years, not because I don't love to bake (especially at Christmas) but because we rarely let the kids eat dessert at home. Even before their allergies/diet change, I just didn't want them eating dessert. The one thing we've made every year are gingerbread men. I didn't want them to miss out this year so I found a recipe that was free of gluten, dairy and soy and it turned out really well. I made their special icing and we decorated with their dairy and soy free chocolate chips and a few sprinkles that didn't have anything they were allergic too. I'm so thankful for the companies out there that make ingredients for people with allergies!! They had fun decorating and eating them.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

We have really not been up to much lately. We've mostly been at home trying to not get more germs and to fight the ones that everyone in our house already has. As of this morning, it seems like everyone is on the road to getting better. So I'm scared to go out and get more sick germs, especially before we leave for Canada next week. Last week Chad took Parker and Emerson to the tree lighting at his office uptown. Kennedy had a practice for her theatre class and was oh so disappointed that she couldn't go.
I know they aren't dressed in appropriately themed Christmas clothing. It had been a long day and I didn't feel like changing them because we were already way behind and I figured they'd be wearing their coats so no one would see what they were wearing anyways. Apparently there were heaters everywhere though so no coats.
According to Chad, Emerson loved the Chick fil a cow and went running up to it as soon as she saw it.
As usual, they are not fans of being near a Santa. That's Parker covering his head.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving Part 2

The second part of our day on Thanksgiving was a visit to Chad's mom's (Grandma June) house. She had raked a pile of leaves for the kids to play in which they enjoyed.
And they loved!!! this wagon. Parker especially enjoyed pulling everyone around in it.

He's so strong :)

Emerson is loving dolls and stuffed animals right now. She likes to rock them and sing to them and wrap them up in towels. blankets, etc. and carry them around.
I tried to get a picture with everyone looking but, again, it didn't happen. So here are several with at least one person looking in each picture.

Tickle time!

Thanksgiving Part 1

On Thanksgiving we went to Winston Salem to see Chad's family. Our first stop was his dad's house. This year his grandma Hester was there, his sister Hannah and her husband David, and his brother Joseph, his girlfriend Jennifer and her daughter Ella. The kids enjoyed having someone to play with!
