Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thanks Auntie Lara!

Thanks to my sister Lara who gave us money for a dinner out last week. I was telling her that our dishwasher is broken and I was so tired of washing dishes and that I just didn't think I could was another one that day. Shortly after I talked to her she emailed me to tell me that she'd transfered some money to my account so that we could go to Outback, one of my favourite restaurants (for cheese fries!). It was such a surprise and so sweet of her.

We almost never take the kids out for a sit down meal, it's just not something that appeals to me. It's so much easier to eat at home with them. Now that Kennedy and Parker are both at the age where they're fine eating out, Emerson is now at the age where she doesn't want to sit still. However, on this particular night they were amazing and so perfectly behaved. We were so very proud of them. The waitress even said that Emerson was the best baby she's ever had in the restaurant. It really was a great dinner. Thanks so much Lar! Here are some pictures of our lovely evening.

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