Monday, August 31, 2009

Tantrums & random kindness

Have you tried online grocery shopping? It must have been invented by a mom and I think it's one of the best ideas ever. Harris Teeter offers it here and I use it often. The only problem with it is that you have to place your order 4 hours before you want to pick up and sometimes I just don't get it done in time. Which brings me to our trip to the grocery store this morning. Normally the kids are okay. Although lately the older two seem to fight constantly and their fighting just gets worse when they're sitting beside each other driving the little car that is attached to the front of the grocery cart.

Today, Parker had a tantrum the likes of which I've never experienced before in a grocery store. He didn't appear to be calming down at all so I decided the best thing to do was to check out and leave. Well, that was the best thing for everyone else in the store anyways. For me it wasn't, I was only about 1/4 of the way through the store and now I have go back again. You know how everyone just stares at you when your child is having a tantrum? I can just imagine how they're all judging my parenting skills (or perceived lack thereof) in their heads. I was fighting back tears and feeling extremely embarrassed and frustrated while trying to get Parker in the car when I looked up and saw an older man that had been watching us in the store walking towards me. I braced myself in anticipation of the parenting lesson I was about to receive but instead the man just said "Ma'am, don't worry about it. We've all been there and we know how it is". I really appreciated him taking a few moments out of his day to come and tell me that. It made me feel a little better.

In hindsight, I think the best solution would have been to leave the groceries and cart somewhere (and let someone know I was coming back for them) and taken the kids out to the car until Parker calmed down. That way I wouldn't have had to make another trip to the store.

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