Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tomorrow I'll be 38 weeks. Twice this week I was positive I was in labour but then contractions stopped. I am now over being pregnant. I'm surprised I was okay this long. Today our Sunday School class had a shower for us which was really nice of them considering in the past year we've gone to SS maybe 5 or 6 times. They are such a friendly, giving class to do this for us.

Chad and Kennedy just left for an overnight camping trip with some other dads and their kids. It's only an hour from here so in the event that I'm lucky enough to go in to labour tonight they should be able to get back here pretty quickly. I'm a little nervous that Kennedy might wander off and get kidnapped or eaten by a bear or something but hopefully since she has recently become so afraid of the dark she won't want to leave daddy's side. It's supposed to go down to almost freezing tonight so it'll be an interesting experience for them.

Here are a couple pics of K and P's first haircuts. Parker just got the hair hanging in his eyes trimmed. Despite the many times people refer to him as a girl, we love his hair and don't want to cut it right now. Kennedy had also never had even a trim. She was so upset at the hair place it was traumatizing for everyone in the place. We just got a few inches off of hers, it's still pretty long but it was getting so long it was starting to look like we were part of a cult that didn't believe in cutting hair.

The other night Chad went in to check on Kennedy and found her asleep in one of her princess dresses. She must have gotten up to put it on and gotten back in bed. I was working on a supper for Chad and I after (I thought) the kids were asleep. When Chad got home he went upstairs to change and found Kennedy asleep on the stairs. I had no idea she was down there!

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