Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pregnancy Update

As you can see from my baby countdown, I don't have much time left in this pregnany. Parker was born 3 weeks early so this baby could really be coming any time now, or it might take its time and wait until the middle of December. Who knows. If the number of contractions I've been having is any indication, it will be sooner rather than later.

Overall I'm feeling great. Aside from restless leg and constant night time trips to the bathroom which interfere a great deal with my sleep, I don't have much to complain about. I feel much better in my 9th month then I remember feeling with the Kennedy or Parker. I think it's because it's cooler out.

Kennedy and Parker are so sweet together some times. At least once a day something really cute happens that I mean to share but I always forget. In the car today Kennedy was singing along to her Strawberry Shortcake movie and she turns to Parker, who wasn't singing, and says "come on brother, let's sing some songs". She doesn't usually call him brother. It just struck me as funny.

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