Thursday, December 19, 2013

 Kennedy had her long awaited performance of Yes, Virginia last night.  It went great and she is very much looking forward to the start of a new musical theatre season in just a few weeks.

 After her performance my dad and Kim invited us to have breakfast with Santa at their club.  I'm surprised Reese sits willingly on Santa's lap.  She even told him she wanted lego for Christmas.  And he must have been listening because when we went back to dad's house she got Cinderella lego from Dad and Kim.  Emerson wouldn't talk to him though.  She was feeling shy.

 The kids (and our neighbour Uirim who does everything with them) making their annual gingerbread house.  Parker started crying when we were getting near the end a declared it "just a mess house".
 Last weekend we had our neighbours over for a Christmas party and all the kids spent the night.  Reese didn't want to be in this picture.
 Chad heard a kitten in the back yard for awhile and took pity on it and put food out for it.  He slowly moved the food closer to the house and eventually in to the sun room.  It was really cold the weekend and the poor thing was starving and freezing I'm sure.  The kids LOVED it but unfortunately Chad and I are both allergic to cats so our neighbour found a new home for it.
 We stopped at Bass Pro Shop to get a free picture with Santa on the way up to pick out Kennedy's Christmas present outside Winston Salem and see the lights at Tanglewood with Chad's parents.  There were quite a few fun things set up for the kids to do at Bass Pro Shop.  They had so much fun shooting!
 Emerson would not go in this picture.  She's going through a  phase that if I'm not in the picture she's not going to be in it either.  And you all know how much I love having my picture taken!

 That's why I'm in this one, E would not cooperate without me there.

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