Monday, September 9, 2013

I don't have very many pictures for this post.  I'm not sure if we don't have any or if we haven't downloaded them.  We haven't been up to a whole lot this summer.  We held our 9th consignment sale at the beginning of August.  I can't believe we've been doing it for 4 years already, that is so hard to believe.  July 26th was our 10th anniversary.  Chad surprised me with a  babysitter and dinner at Ruth's Chris.  On August 5th we celebrated Parker's 7th birthday.  Also incredibly hard to believe!  Parker still loves lego more than anything so that is of course what he got for his birthday.  Instead of having a party he wants to go to the Lego Discovery Center in Atlanta and we hope to get down there in the next couple of weeks.  On his birthday we went out to a Japanese restaurant (his favourite) and went to see a movie.

Most of our summer we have spent hanging out at home and at the pool.  We really wanted to make it up to Canada to visit my mom and Bob but unfortunately it didn't work out this summer.  We are going to be there for Christmas though and we are looking forward to lots of snow and fun family time.

We started back to school the day after Labour Day.  Kennedy is in grade 4, Parker is in various grade levels and Emerson is starting kindergarten.  Reese is still in the must have all mommy's attention phase which I hope will be less distracting during school time in the near future.

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