Friday, September 27, 2013

What we've been up to!

The past month has been a very busy one for us.  We have 4 kids in 8 activities which is much more than we've ever had going at once before, plus Parker, Emerson and Reese go to speech twice a week.  We have at least one activity and often more every day of the week except Sunday which is of course church which sort of counts because we have to be ready and out the door for that too.  Kennedy, Emerson & Reese are doing dance.  Parker is doing flag football.  Emerson and Kennedy are playing soccer.  And Kennedy is in a musical theatre class and also a class at the School of Theatre Training.  Of all of them I'd have to say Reese loves her ballet class the most.  She asks to go every day.  I was worried that since she is still uber attached there would be no way she would stay in the class by herself but she has and she love love loves "allet" as she calls it.  Kennedy is also loving her musical theatre class.  She got the role of Charlotte in their Christmas production of Yes Virginia There Is A Santa Claus and she is working hard on learning her lines and her solo!

This is my first year doing school with 3 of the kids.  It's going as well as it could I think.  Emerson is not thrilled about sitting down to school but after she puts up her initial fuss every day she sits down and does it with me.  I really love to read and Kennedy so far really hasn't shared that passion but today she didn't want to put one of her assigned books down to leave the house because it was "just getting to the best part".  That made me so happy to hear!!  Reese has gotten much better at keeping herself entertained and also likes to come and sit with us sometimes and listen when I'm reading.  

Emerson's not too sure about soccer.  She and Kennedy begged to play.  After watching Parker play for 3 seasons they thought it would be fun.  Chad and I were not looking forward to spending most of the day each Saturday at the YMCA fields for three games but they really wanted to play so we agreed.  She spends a LOT of time trying to bear hug/tackle/hold hands with/irritate her teammates and staring in to the sky and anywhere that is not the ball.  She was also unhappy that when she was goalie last week the ball never came her away.  Like really unhappy about that!  She seemed to feel that was reason enough to give up on soccer.  She seems to enjoy it when she's on the field though so hopefully the rest of the season goes alright.  
Parker wanted to play tackle football but we decided he should play flag first.  I think we should have gone with tackle!  Flag seems kind of pointless to me.  Some of the boys on his team have played for several years and are very good at throwing/catching.  Poor Park has had not experience and is feeling rather badly about that.  We've been working on his throwing this week though and it's improved a lot.  Now if he would just try catching.  He says the ball is too hard and it hurts and he really just likes chasing people and pulling off their flags.  

There is a lot of sitting and waiting for three practices and three games.  At least it's cooling off a bit now in the mornings/evenings.  

Kennedy turned 9 on September 8th.  She wanted to go to Boston again instead of having a birthday party/presents so she just got this one little present she'd been asking for.  She named him Waddles, put a necklace on him and brought him to Boston with us.  Waddles got her a lot of attention in the airport and plane.  Kennedy loves attention!  She still feels like she doesn't get enough from me and she loved having a weekend of being the center of mommy and auntie Lara's attention.  I didn't take very many pictures and I don't think Lara did either but we'll try to find a few.  

Chad took the kids to his parents church's family fun day again this year.  They have gone the past several years and it has turned in to a day that all of us look forward to.  The kids enjoy all the fun activities and seeing their grandparents and I enjoy having some very, very rare time to myself.  Like most stay at home/homeschooling moms I am almost never alone.  I love being with my family pretty much every minute of every day and I wouldn't change that for the world but I also enjoy a little alone time once in awhile.  It's shocking how much I can get done around the house when I'm by myself.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I know you guys asked multiple times for pictures from Christmas and then gave up on me.  Sorry about that Lara and Jana.  Here you go!  Only 9 months behind :)  You can click on each set to make them bigger.  

Monday, September 9, 2013

I don't have very many pictures for this post.  I'm not sure if we don't have any or if we haven't downloaded them.  We haven't been up to a whole lot this summer.  We held our 9th consignment sale at the beginning of August.  I can't believe we've been doing it for 4 years already, that is so hard to believe.  July 26th was our 10th anniversary.  Chad surprised me with a  babysitter and dinner at Ruth's Chris.  On August 5th we celebrated Parker's 7th birthday.  Also incredibly hard to believe!  Parker still loves lego more than anything so that is of course what he got for his birthday.  Instead of having a party he wants to go to the Lego Discovery Center in Atlanta and we hope to get down there in the next couple of weeks.  On his birthday we went out to a Japanese restaurant (his favourite) and went to see a movie.

Most of our summer we have spent hanging out at home and at the pool.  We really wanted to make it up to Canada to visit my mom and Bob but unfortunately it didn't work out this summer.  We are going to be there for Christmas though and we are looking forward to lots of snow and fun family time.

We started back to school the day after Labour Day.  Kennedy is in grade 4, Parker is in various grade levels and Emerson is starting kindergarten.  Reese is still in the must have all mommy's attention phase which I hope will be less distracting during school time in the near future.