Friday, November 11, 2011


A little update on Reese. She's 4 months old and has changed so much. She's no longer the snuggly little newborn who just likes cuddles. Well, she really does like to just be held the vast majority of the time which is fine. It makes it hard to get pretty much anything done but I know that it's a very short phase of her life and soon she'll be on the go like the rest of them. Though thankfully all of them still love hugs and cuddles. Anyways, back to Reese. She weighs 14 lbs but still looks pretty tiny to me. She grabs for toys (and hair and lips and noses and anything she can get her sweet little hands on) and chews on everything. I think she may be teething though no teeth have come through yet. She rolls over and over and over! The other day I set her down in the middle of the living room and a few minutes later she was crying and I turned around to see that she had rolled all the way over to the post and run in to it! No more putting her down on the bed and turning away. I was just playing peekaboo with her and she was laughing every time I said boo. She hadn't done that with me before and it was so cute. She's obviously not close to doing it yet but you can tell she really wants to get moving. When she's on her stomach she kicks and grunts and is definitely trying to get somewhere. I'm a littler worried about when she starts crawling. Parker is obsessed with lego and we have tons of it in our living room and the little pieces are always on the floor. Not sure how we're going to keep those out of her mouth.

The other three still love her. Emerson calls her Reesie Reesie now and the other two have started to as well. Kennedy recently discovered that she can hold her like we do which has been a very helpful discovery. She can hold her for me when I need to do something for a few minutes and loves to go get her out of her bassinet after her nap. Having a 7 year old at home with a baby is wonderful! She has yet to change a diaper though :)

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