Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This is the newest addition to our family!
On a very, very rare (almost never) afternoon by ourselves (my mom and Bob had the kids for the afternoon) Chad and I were at the mall. We were about to leave when I saw that they were having a dog adoption event. This little guy was just too cute to resist so we adopted him! Though I'm not sure it was the best idea ever he, so far, has been a pretty good dog. If only he would stop biting everything!! The kids love him, but don't appreciate the frequent puppy bites.

I love how kids can sometimes be so easily entertained. They look so happy in these pictures and all they were doing was playing in our cul de sac.

They love to walk the puppy. He tires out much quicker than they do! He is only about 12 weeks old.

They are all excited about the baby coming. Kennedy asks me every day how many more sleeps until the baby comes. We're down to 102 I think but that is a big number for a 6 year old. I can't believe it's less than 15 weeks away. Time really flies when there are 3 other kids to look after! Everything's going well with this pregnancy so far. Parker likes to rub my stomach and talk to the baby. Emerson thinks everyone with a belly button has a baby in their tummy. Including her and Chad. Kennedy and Parker also come up with the most creative names. Since we don't know if it's a boy or girl we don't have a name picked yet. Tonight Kennedy decided if it's a girl we should call her Sweet Tweet and if it's a boy Honey Man. Hopefully we'll come up with a better options in the next few months.

My only complaint so far is restless leg syndrome and insomnia. Not fun when we have three early waking children and at least one of them in our bed almost every night!

Friday, March 4, 2011

So it's obviously been forever since I updated our blog. I was so very busy getting ready for my consignment sale here in Charlotte, The Posh Closet Sale, that I just didn't take the time to post anything. And just in case you're looking for children's clothes we are working on adding items to our online store www.theposhclosetsale.com so check it out!

First of all a huge thank you to:

my mother in law June for staying with us and taking care of my kids all week last week. They weren't feeling their best and I'm sure it was a very long week for her

my mom and Bob for helping distribute many, many post cards to promote the sale, watching the kids so I could deliver post cards, picking up and putting together the shoe racks and then dropping them back off to the person who graciously let me borrow them, helping out with security at the sale, and everything else you helped with in regards to my sale

my sisters Lara and Jana for all of their help at the sale

and last but not least to Chad and the kids for putting up with the mess and chaos that is our house for the weeks before and after the sale, the lack of interesting meals, and a very distracted not so fun to be with all day mommy, and also to Chad for helping promote the sale with facebook, at work and to everyone else he knows who may be interested in children's clothes! You're so much better at that than I am!!

I really, really, really appreciate everyone's help.

We were waiting to post this until we had told everyone in our family and then it's just been so long since I've updated it's a little late but for anyone that doesn't know yet, we are expecting baby #4 the beginning of July! I am 23 weeks pregnant and everything is going well. To answer a question we get asked a lot, yes this is our last.

These are about the only things we've taken pictures of in the past two months!

My mom and Bob came down for what we thought was a 10 day visit at the beginning of January but instead they are staying until April which was a wonderful surprise although we don't actually see them very often because they are busy volunteering (and staying) at Jaars in Waxhaw.
Chad and June took the kids to the circus in January.
these are from the day we went to have Christmas with Chad's family in Winston.