Wednesday, November 3, 2010

We took a day trip to Boone recently. We wanted to see the leaves and enjoy some cooler weather. We didn't really have a plan for the day except to stop by our church there and say hi to some people. When we told the kids we were going to the mountains Parker interpreted that to mean we were climbing mountains. All the way there he was looking for the mountains. Once we were actually in them, he kept asking to go to the mountain. We could not convince him we were in the mountains and that's why he couldn't see them. Behind the church there is a large hill so he and Kennedy climbed that. After that though, they were ready to find their next mountain adventure!

We stopped off at a spot on the Blue Ridge Parkway that Chad and I used to go for picnics. I have more pictures on why it's a special spot for us but I have to find them first.

The kids had soooo much fun having an "adventure" in this creek. They could have stayed all day and were none too pleased when we left. We got some great pictures of them while we were there. I need to find some frames and get some off these pictures off our computer!

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