Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tonight I rocked Emerson for awhile and then put her in her bed and left and she didn't cry. Which made me cry! She's growing up so fast, can't believe she's almost two. Usually if I try to put her down awake and leave she cries and I end up back in with her rubbing her back until she's asleep.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I love the picture of my family on Canada Day in front of the parliament building. Charlie is in Jana's carrier and Emerson is asleep in the stroller so you can't see her but it's as close as we got to a good picture of most of us.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Canadian Thanksgiving

This past Monday was Canadian Thanksgiving. We decided to celebrate it on Saturday night so that everyone who had to work on Monday would still be able to come. We had a wonderful evening with 4 of the families on our cul de sac. I don't know that we've ever had a group of people over that was so appreciative of the effort that we put in to Thanksgiving.
Emerson has this interesting tendency to find a guy in any gathering and latch on to them. I think we might be in trouble when she gets older!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Some random pictures

Not that much interesting stuff going on in our lives right now. Emerson isn't sleeping well at all. She takes forever to fall asleep (or at least I'm pretty sure she's asleep) and then as soon as we close the door to her room she screams bloody murder and is awake for a long time again.

Chad took the K and P camping Saturday night. I haven't seen pictures yet but I assume there are some so I'll try to get them up when I see them.

K at Carowinds
We went on an apple "picking" field trip. Not too exciting when you're picking apples from a barrel instead of a tree. I had hoped to actually make it up to the mountains this year for really apple picking but I just realized we might have missed the season for it.

K and P held hands the whole time at Carowinds. It makes me so happy to see them be so sweet to each other.
Petting a horseshoe crab at Discovery Place last week.

Chad, so tired from camping, taking a nap Sunday afternoon.
I know it's not a clear picture but this is E saying STOP while I was trying to get a picture of her.

Why do kids love fountains so much? They would stay at the fountain at the mall forever if I let them.