Thursday, June 17, 2010

More pictures

Our attempt at a group pic

As usual these pictures are all backwards, I never get them on here in the right order! I have so many things I'd like to post from the past 6 months. Time just flies so quickly each day that I never get around to doing it. Kennedy was in a musical theatre class this year which she really enjoyed. She loves to sing and dance and perform so it really was the perfect class for her. She had her final performance two weeks ago. Thank you so much to all of our family members that made the day special for Kennedy. Thanks to Roger & Bonnie and June for coming down from Winston Salem. Thanks to Lara for coming down from Boston. And thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Bob for sending flowers since they wished they could be here.

We couldn't get Emerson off the stage. Maybe we'll just become a traveling family drama troupe.
Kennedy could not be bothered to get off her imaginary phone call to take the picture. I think we're going to be in trouble in a few years!!
This is so Parker like. While he does enjoy dressing up in Kennedy's princess dresses, he really is a typical boy.
Our little drama queen.

This is Kennedy's teacher Miss Cathy. We were soooo very disappointed to hear that she is moving to Florida. She was the best teacher Kennedy has had so far and she did a fantastic job with the kids. So sad she won't be able to have her again next year.
It was a loooong day for the young ones. They'd been there practicing since 3 and it was after 8pm at this point.

There were 5 different classes and each class did four numbers from their own musical and then they all did a finale together with a medley from Bye Bye Birdie. Kennedy is just to the left of the boy in the green shirt.

Kennedy's class did Annie. This is Kennedy interrupting her number to wave to her adoring fan AKA Parker who apparently just kept waving to her.

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