Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'd been so nervous about taking the kids to the park that about a month ago was the first time probably since before Emerson was born that I'd taken them. We have a really nice park that you can actually walk to (through some what I'm sure is snake infested woods) behind our neighbourhood. The playground is right beside a lake and surrounded by trees so I was worried that they'd all be going in different directions and I wouldn't be able to keep an eye on all three of them and someone would wander away or get kidnapped. In fact, all three of them happily played together in the sand for almost 2 hours.
Back in February, Kennedy came down the stairs looking like this! Apparently she thought her hair was "in the way" so found some scissors and got it with rather tragic results. I try to keep it clipped back out of her face but little pieces are always falling out. Thankfully it's grown some since then. Most of it is actually almost to her eyebrows now. It'll be a looooong time until it gets as long as the rest of her hair though.

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