Thursday, December 17, 2009

I always forget the things Kennedy says that I want to share so I thought I'd post this before I forget. We have the possibility for some snow tomorrow which I told her and she said she'd pray for it so she says "Dear Jesus, please give me snow". Then she says did Jesus hear me? I said yes and she said will he give me snow? I said we'll have to see. I reminded her awhile later that we may or may not get snow. She says, why not, didn't Jesus hear me? I again said yes and tried to explain (not very well obviously) that while He always hears us He can't always give everyone everything they ask for. And she says "but I don't want everything, I just want one thing - snow". So funny!

I just checked the forecast in Boone and it's supposed to snow 6 out of the next 7 days. I'm so jealous!! I think we might just have to make a trip up there next week.

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